The Residential Sidewalk Trip Hazard Removal Program covers all residential public sidewalks in the City of Florissant.  Sidewalks that have minimum vertical displacement of 1 inch between adjacent slabs qualify for the program. There is no charge to the homeowner to utilize this program, however, the City of Florissant will only repair the sidewalk slabs necessary to correct the trip hazard.

What to Do if You Have a Trip Hazard

If a resident has a trip hazard they can notify Public Works at 314-839-7648 or email and their address will be placed on a list of areas to be inspected.  In the spring of each year, the Engineering Department will inspect each address on the list and evaluate the concern.  Areas will be marked for repair prior to the start of work.

Requests for sidewalk repairs are taken all year long. The cutoff date to be included in the current year's program is typically April 30th. The Sidewalk Trip Hazard Removal Program goes out for bid each year and is awarded to the lowest and most satisfactory bidder.  In late summer to early fall, the contractor will begin work to repair the sidewalk slabs throughout the City that have been spray painted and measured for repair.  The trip hazards are eliminated either by replacement of the slab or grinding after which the site is restored.