Fee Change Posting
The City of Florissant takes pride in its community and housing stock. Building codes were adopted by the City Council to insure and protect the public health, safety, and general welfare of its residents.
The City of Florissant requires permits for most remodeling including fences, swimming pool, decks and porches, sheds, room additions, basement remodeling, garages, fireplaces, patio covers, electrical wiring, plumbing work, water heater replacement, and furnace and air conditioner installation.
If you are planning a project you may call the public works office at 839-7648 to find out if a permit is required.
A permit application must be filled out and submitted with: 2 copies of site plans (survey) showing the location of the structure to be built, including distances from property line and; 2 copies of construction plans showing top and side views, dimensions, type of wood, size of footing, etc. Submissions are dependent upon type of construction.
Generally there is a waiting period between submission of the application and issuance of the permit of 10 working days to allow for proper plan review. The City of Florissant issues about 2,700 building permits a year. Permits are processed on a first come / first served basis.
Prior to occupying a commercial building, which includes such uses as schools, churches, community organizations, an occupancy inspection and permit are required. In most cases a business license is also required. Applications for a business license and commercial occupancy inspection may be obtained from the Florissant Finance Department at the Florissant City Hall. The Building Commissioner reviews all commercial occupancy requests for compliance to the Florissant Zoning Code. Should you have any questions regarding business licenses please call the Finance Department at 314-839-7612. For more information regarding commercial occupancy inspections please call the Public Works Department at 314-839-7648.
Contact Us
- Phone: (314) 839-7648
- Staff Directory
- Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.