The Prosecuting Attorney’s Office prosecutes all violations of the City’s ordinances.
The Prosecuting Attorney for the City of Florissant is Keith Cheung. The Assistant Prosecuting Attorneys are Stephanie Karr, Craig Smith, Ross Davis and Kyle Cronin.
The Administrative Assistant is Gina Rosado.
The Prosecuting Attorney’s Office can be contacted by phone at (314) 595-3618, or by regular mail at 4575 Washington St., Florissant, MO 63033.
Attorney Information
All requests for recommendations and discovery must be mailed directly to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office by regular mail and include a copy of the Entry of Appearance filed with the Court and a self-addressed, stamped envelope. PLEASE NOTE, simply filing an entry of appearance filed with the Court is not a request for recommendation.
Any relevant documentation that would assist the prosecutor in making a recommendation, i.e. proof of insurance, registration, reinstatement, hardship license, should be submitted with a request for recommendation if applicable. If your client is involved in an accident, a copy of an insurance card is NOT SUFFICIENT. You must submit a letter from your client’s insurance carrier verifying that your client had valid liability insurance on the date of the accident providing coverage on the vehicle your client was operating. On all DWS, DWR or NO Operator’s License charges, NO AMENDMENT will be made without proof that your client has been reinstated or has a limited or hardship privilege or has obtained a license.
All requests for recommendations will be promptly handled. If you do not receive a recommendation within 3 weeks of your request, it is your responsibility to contact the Prosecuting Attorneys Office. A request for a recommendation does NOT serve as a request for a continuance and all recommendations will remain on the original court date. It is counsel’s responsibility to request a continuance from the Court. The Court requires all motions for continuance to be in writing and filed with the Court no later than one day before your scheduled court date, otherwise an appearance is required.
To accept a recommendation, the Court requires that the recommendation be signed by both counsel and the defendant and filed with the Court with payment in full. If payment in full is not made prior to the court date, the Court requires an appearance by both counsel and defendant. All questions regarding continuances and appearances should be directed to the Court and not this office.
Contact Information:
Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, City of Florissant
4575 Washington Street
Florissant, Missouri 63033
(314) 595-3618
Contact Us
- Business: (314) 595-3618
- Staff Directory