Excavation Permits for work in City of Florissant Right-of-Way
Do I Need a Permit?
No person shall make or cause to be made any excavation in any public place, street, highway, walkway, alley, right-of-way or easement without first obtaining a permit from the City. The City right-of-way line is approximately 12 feet behind the back of the curb, although this varies in some locations of the City (the City Engineer’s office can help you locate the edge of right-of-way if you are not certain). Examples of excavations that require a permit are:
- Driveway or sidewalk replacement or expansion
- Utility work
- Landscaping
- Retaining Walls (2 feet in height and over require additional Building Permit)
- Planting - City Code on Trees and Shrubs
Often excavation takes place in St Louis County right of way, Missouri Department of Transportation (MODOT) right-of-way or on private property. The City of Florissant does not have regulatory authority for excavation in these areas. We do however request notice be given when any project is constructed in the City, and that residents are given 72 hours’ notice when construction takes place on or adjacent to their property. Below are links to St Louis County and MODOT right-of-way permit websites. There is also a link to the City of Florissant Map showing which street are City, County, or State regulated as well as the boundaries of the City.
-St. Louis County Special Use Permit For Work On County Roads
-MODOT Permit for Work on State Roads
The online application can be accessed at the link below:
Florissant Small Project Excavation Application (single location)
Florissant Large Project Excavation Application (multiple locations)
Paper applications are available in the Public Works Department at Florissant City Hall. Application should take place at least 48 hours prior to beginning excavation work. The cost is $50.00 for a small excavation and $100 for a large excavation. The permit is valid for 30 days from the date of issue. Work must not begin until a permit has been applied for and approved; failure to apply for and receive an approved permit before beginning excavation will result in being charged double for the permit, and could lead to a summons being issued. Be prepared to provide dimensions of the excavation area at the time of application as well as the distance from the end of the driveway approach to the neighbor's property line. Pavement can be placed up to the property line but cannot go over the line. The work shall not alter the flow of surface water so as to negatively impact adjacent properties.
Insurance and Bond Requirement
If a contractor is performing the excavation, a Certificate of Liability Insurance and a $2,000.00 license and permit bond or cash bond must be on file with the City of Florissant Engineering Office before a permit can be issued and excavation in the City right-of-way can begin. If the work Is Being Performed By The Homeowner the insurance and bond are not required. More information about Insurance and Bond can be found at:
-Excavation Permit Guidelines - PDF
Contractors can submit their Insurance and Bond information at the link below. If a contractor has an upcoming project or does frequent work in the City it may be advantageous to submit your Insurance and Bond information prior to applying.
-Contractor Bonding and Insurance
All concrete within the City Right-of-Way must be 6 1/2-sack mix using Meramec sand and gravel with a minimum compressive strength of 4,000 pounds per square inch (psi). Concrete must be placed on a compacted soil or rock sub-grade. Driveway approaches in the City Right-of-Way, including public sidewalk through driveway, shall have a minimum thickness of 6 inches. Sidewalk outside of driveway approaches shall be a minimum thickness of 4 inches. Mesh may be added but is not required. Full-depth expansion joints must be provided at all places where new concrete will adjoin old concrete and to separate sidewalks from driveway.
If an asphalt driveway is desired, the approach shall have a minimum thickness of 9 inches (3-inch surface course and 6-inch base course) with a 4-inch compacted rock base. Sidewalks must be in concrete.
Gravel is never an acceptable pavement material
Permit applications require plans be submitted for the work being performed. Some smaller projects such as a driveway replacement or water utility tap require simple sketches, while larger projects may require a full engineering plan set. Below are some links that can help you with your submittals.
-Excavation Permit Guidelines - PDF
-City Trench Work Specifications – PDF
-City PCC Street Paving Specifications – PDF
-City Asphalt Paving Specification - PDF
-City Code for Excavation Permits
Sight Obstructions – Florissant has a sight obstruction ordinance, as well as following St Louis County’s Design Criteria Manual, both of which can be reached at the links below
-City Code for Sight Obstructions
-St. Louis County Sight Distance at Intersections - PDF
-St Louis County Design Criteria Manual – PDF
American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) – All sidewalks, including curb ramps, are required to be installed following ADA guidelines, regardless of the condition that they were in when removed. You can find a copy of the ADA checklist below.
Street Closure – All street closures require a plan be submitted to the Engineering Division of Public Works and must comply with MUTCD standards. The City cannot approve closures on St Louis County or MODOT streets. Street detour plans must include date/s of closure, and require contacting the Florissant Police Department, the Florissant Valley Fire Protection District, and any residents or businesses affected by the closure with at least 72 hours’ notice.
-Florissant Police Department – (314)-831-7000
-Florissant Valley Fire Protection District – (314)-837-4894
A sub-grade inspection is required for all areas in the City right-of-way where concrete or asphalt are being placed. The Engineering Office requires a 48-hour notice for sub-grade inspections. Concrete may not be placed in the City right-of-way until the sub-grade inspection has been approved. The sub-grade area must be completely dry and free of water before the sub-grade will be approved. A final inspection will automatically be performed 30 days from the issue date of the permit.
For larger projects, daily inspections may be required. The contractor must coordinate with the City’s appointed Inspector, Street Superintendent, or City Engineer for inspections and major milestones of the project.
- Can I place a dumpster for concrete/debris removal? Dumpster permits only allow dumpsters to be placed on the driveway, not in the right-of-way. The only exception is if you are replacing your driveway you may acquire a 72-hour dumpster permit to place in the right-of-way as long as it is not obstructing traffic, causing a sight obstruction, or obstructing the neighboring property from accessing their driveway. A photo of the street condition prior to placement of the dumpster must be submitted, and any damage to the street pavement that occurs must be repaired by the contractor prior to permit closeout. Permit placards must be posted on the dumpster where it is visible from the street. Dumpster permits are $75.00 and can be applied for here: – Construction Permit (Dumpster Permit)
- Can I create a parallel parking space at the back of the curb? Parking spaces can be created at the back of the curb, parallel to the street, in front of the property, as long as all other requirements of the permitting process have been met. If sidewalk is present, parking space may not obstruct sidewalk. An approved divider must be present, such as a curb or turf, to divide the sidewalk from the parking space. Sidewalks may never be used for parking.
- Can I add a gravel parking space or driveway? Gravel is never an acceptable building material on any part of your property or in the right-of-way for a parking space or driveway
Other Permits That May Be Required
- Floodplain Development Permit – Any work in the Special Flood Hazard Area (“100 year floodplain”) requires a floodplain development permit
- Land Disturbance Permit
- Retaining wall (2 feet and over) – Link to Online Building Permit Application
- Plumbing Permit– Link to Online Building Permit Application
- Louis County Special Use Permit for Work on County Roads
- MODOT Permit for Work on State Roads
Contact Us
- Phone: (314) 839-7643
- Staff Directory
- Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.