The Florissant Police Department began utilizing a new communications service, on March 4, 2013, that allows us to send important, valuable community information directly to residents using the latest technology.

The NIXLE Community Information Service allows us to create and publish messages to be delivered to subscribed residents instantly via cell phone text message and/or email. Notifications can also be accessed online at NIXLE's web site at                                    

Messages may include Missing Persons/Amber Alerts, road closures and other relevant safety and community event information.

The messages can be sent specifically to residents registered within a ¼ mile radius, giving them the opportunity to receive trustworthy information relevant only to their neighborhood. Residents decide from which local agencies they want to receive information. Subscribers can also choose the way in which alerts are received, whether it is by email, text message, or over the web.

Residents of the City of Florissant and those in neighboring communities can immediately begin receiving pertinent information via text message, email, and web by registering at
