Residential Sanitary Sewer Lateral Insurance Program

The City of Florissant's Residential Sewer Lateral Insurance Program covers the cost of repairing a defective residential sanitary sewer lateral in the City of Florissant.

The portion of the residential sewer lateral that is covered under this program runs from the main sewer line up to within five feet of the home’s foundation.  The homeowner is responsible for the cost of repair or replacement of their sewer lateral inside their home and within five feet of the home.

The program does not cover septic tank systems, private treatment systems or the cost to replace any trees, shrubs, flowers, sod, decks, concrete work (except for public sidewalk and street work), retaining walls or out-buildings that may be damaged during repair of the sewer lateral. The program will cover only sanitary sewer laterals that connect to the main sewer system. The program is responsible for covering the repaired sewer lateral site with clean fill rock and soil, and seeding the area.

This program does not apply to commercial, industrial or multi-family properties with more than six dwelling units.

If you see a cave-in/sinkhole:

Contact City of Florissant Engineering Division at  The City will contact MSD (the St. Louis Metropolitan Sewer District) to perform a dye test. As seen in the illustration below, cave-ins are frequently caused by leaks in private and public sewer lines.   If it is positive to the public sewer, MSD will make the necessary repairs.  If it is positive to the private sewer (home sewer lateral) the homeowner is eligible to apply to Florissant’s sewer lateral insurance program below (no deposit is required for positive MSD dye test applications).  If it is negative to the private or public sewer system, then MSD will inform the City that the hole is caused by another source (for example, rotting tree roots, erosion, animal burrowing, etc.) in which case the homeowner is responsible for filling the hole.


If you have a sewer blockage:

Step One - Plumbing

A - Contact MSD Customer Service to determine if there is a mainline sewer backup

B - Contact a licensed plumber or drainlayer to run a cable through the sewer lateral line to clear the blockage. If cabling the sewer lateral is successful and the sewer lateral is open and flowing, the homeowner will not have to apply for the program. However, if the blockage is unable to be cleared or if cabling the sewer lateral line indicates that there are structural defects in the line, the homeowner can apply to the sewer lateral insurance program.

Step Two - Application

Apply to Florissant’s Sewer Lateral Insurance Program at the link on the bottom of this page.  There is a $300 deposit for applying to the Program.  Once the City has received your application, you will be emailed an invoice that can be paid over the phone, or at City Hall.  You will also be required to provide documentation from your licensed plumbing contractor that an attempt at cabling the line was made and unsuccessful within the last 30 days. 

Once the deposit has been received, the City will have our plumbing contractor contact you and make an appointment to inspect your sewer lateral and provide the City with a report.

Step Three - City Review

The City Engineer will review the report provided by the plumber.

If your lateral is approved for repair, you will be reimbursed the $300 deposit, and a date will be scheduled to make the repair, and you will receive an email confirming your repair and tentative repair date (this is only an estimate, as the date often has to be moved around due to emergency repairs, weather, etc.)

Approved applications often include some of the following:

  • Plumber’s cable hits a spot that they cannot get past
  • Plumber’s cable pulls back mud
  • Line is holding water after cabling
  • There is no proper access to cable the line fully. For example, the only access to cable is a 4-inch pipe inside the home, and the outside line is a 6-inch pipe full of roots.

If your lateral is denied for repair, your deposit will be kept by the City to pay for the cost of the City’s contracted plumber and clerical costs.

Applications are often denied for the some of the following reasons:

  • Small defects or hairline cracks are found as part of a home sale inspection. If a line is open and in serviceable condition, it does not qualify for this program.  This program is not intended to satisfy a home sale contingency.
  • Area with blockage is under the home, or within 5 feet of the home foundation
  • Proper access is available to maintain the line, and a blockage can be cabled open

Step Four - Repair

If a repair is approved by the City Engineer, the repair process is as follows:

City Responsibility:

  • The City's crew will contact Missouri One Call to have the underground utility lines located.
  • The property will be put in line for repair. Repairs are made in the order they are received, unless a repair is deemed an emergency, in which case it is moved to the front of the repair list.
  • The City will contact you the day before the repair to confirm that they will be there the next day.
  • The City will arrive between 7-9 AM the day of the repair
  • The City will excavate the area, then the City’s plumbing contractor will perform the sewer repair.
  • Once the repair is completed, the City's crew will backfill the area with suitable fill, and seed and straw the area (seeding may occur at a later date depending on the season).

Homeowner Responsibility:

  • The City will need access to water and electric outside the home the day of the repair
  • Someone 18 years old or older must be at the home the day of the repair
  • After the area is restored, the homeowner is responsible for watering the seed, or the grass will not grow.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is this program funded?

Under this program, homeowners pay a $50.00 annual fee, which is included on the real estate property tax bills issued to homeowners each year.

How do I apply to the program?

There is a link to the application at the bottom of this page.  If necessary, there are paper copies of the application available at City Hall.

When should I apply to the program?

If you have had your sewer lateral line cabled by a licensed plumber or drainlayer, and they were not able to open the line, you are eligible to apply to the program.  Also, if you have received notification from the City or MSD that a cave-in is positive to your sewer lateral, you are eligible to apply.

What is the wait time for an approved repair?

Although wait times vary, the average time from approval to repair is 2 weeks.  Emergency repairs (lines that are completely blocked) receive precedence and are moved to the front of the repair list.

Why isn’t the City replacing my entire sewer lateral?

This program was created to make spot repairs (usually 10 feet) to defective sewer laterals, helping homeowners from being stuck with thousands of dollars in repair costs when their sewer is not functioning.  This program is not there to replace the entire sewer lateral with new pipe, or to prevent future defects that may occur.  If the City replaced your entire sewer lateral line, the program would quickly go bankrupt. 

What constitutes an emergency repair?

A lateral that is severely clogged and cabling the lateral by a licensed plumber or drainlayer is unsuccessful is considered an emergency repair. The clog must be so severe that nothing can pass through the lateral. In a case where there are numerous emergency repairs pending, they are repaired in the order received. If there is only one emergency repair pending, it will be moved in front of all pending repairs but only after the paperwork has been approved by the City Engineer and the Street Department has contacted Missouri One Call in which all underground lines have been located.

Why do I have to make a deposit?

Your deposit is to cover the cost of the City’s contracted plumber as well as clerical work in the case that your line only needs maintenance and is not eligible for repair through the sewer lateral insurance program.  This program is not a substitute for regular maintenance and quality plumbing work. 

When will I receive my deposit money back?

If you are eligible for a deposit reimbursement, they are processed on a monthly basis, so you can expect it to take up to 30 days before it is sent out.

Can my lateral repair be expedited because of a pending home sale?


I am selling my home.  Will the new owner be eligible for the program?

Yes.  This program is based on the technical requirements stated above regardless of who owns the home.  As long as the real estate property taxes are paid in full, the home is eligible for consideration of repair.  If a home is approved for repair, but it is anticipated that you will close on the home sale prior to the repair date, we require that the new owner submit written confirmation that they are aware of and in support of the planned repair.

What if my sewer lateral is attached to a septic tank?

Florissant residents whose homes have sanitary sewer laterals attached to septic tanks or leachate fields are not eligible for the Residential Sewer Lateral Inspection Program, however, a $28.00 sewer lateral fee will appear on the real estate tax bill. Refunds may be requested only from January 1st through December 31st for the previous paid tax year by submitting a "paid" real estate tax bill for the property to the Engineering Clerk in the Public Works Department.

What if I own a Condominium Unit?

The Residential Sewer Lateral Insurance Program does not apply to condominium units with six or more units, however, a $28.00 sewer lateral fee will appear on the real estate tax bill. Refunds may be requested only from January 1st through December 31st for the previous paid tax year by submitting a "paid" real estate tax bill for the property to the Engineering Clerk in the Public Works Department.

What if my sewer lateral is attached to a septic tank?

Florissant residents whose homes have sanitary sewer laterals attached to septic tanks or leachate fields are not eligible for the Residential Sewer Lateral Inspection Program, however, a $28.00 sewer lateral fee will appear on the real estate tax bill. Refunds may be requested only from January 1st through December 31st for the previous paid tax year by submitting a "paid" real estate tax bill for the property to the Engineering Clerk in the Public Works Department.

What if I own a Condominium Unit?

The Residential Sewer Lateral Insurance Program does not apply to condominium units with six or more units, however, a $28.00 sewer lateral fee will appear on the real estate tax bill. Refunds may be requested only from January 1st through December 31st for the previous paid tax year by submitting a "paid" real estate tax bill for the property to the Engineering Clerk in the Public Works Department.

What is meant by “routine maintenance of my sewer lateral line”?

Just like any other part of your home, your sewer lateral line requires regular maintenance.  You may need to have your line cabled by a plumber or drainlayer on an annual basis, especially if you have large trees or bushes in your yard.  Also, what you put in your drain is extremely important, and not flushing improper items will save you expensive plumbing bills in the future.  Remember, NEVER pour Fats, Oils, or Grease down your sink, garbage disposal, or drain.  Below is a list of other items that should NEVER be flushed down your toilet, garbage disposal, or drain:


-Baby/facial/cleaning wipes

-Paper towels           


-Plastic Items

-Aquarium Gravel

-Kitty Litter  

-Disposable Toilet Brushes 

-Cigarette Butts 


-Candy/Food Wrappers


-”Flushable” wipes

-Tampons/Sanitary Napkins



-Dental Floss

-Cotton Swabs/Balls


-Rags and Towels

-Rubber Gloves

-Clothing Labels


Who should I contact for more information on this program?

Please contact the Florissant Department of Public Works Engineering Division at or 314-839-7643 if you have any questions or need information.

Sewer Lateral Insurance Program Application