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Event Date:

Aug 08, 2016 from 7:30 PM - End
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Event Location:

Council Chambers
955 St Francois
Florissant, MO 63031
[Location Details|Map]

Event Description:

Public Hearing

      In accordance with 405.310 of the Florissant Zoning Code a Public Hearing will be held by the City Council of Florissant, MO. in the Council Chambers, 955 rue St. Francois, on Monday, August 8, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. on the following proposition:

         To authorize a Special Use Permit  to AutoCenters SBC, LLC d/b/a  AutoCenters Florissant to allow for the operation of used vehicle sales for the property located at 1390 & 1400 North Highway 67 (legal description to govern).  Citizens will have an opportunity to be heard.  Anyone with special needs should contact the City Clerk at least 5 days before said public hearing by calling 839-7630 or TDD 839-5142.

CITY OF FLORISSANT, Karen Goodwin, City Clerk