Step 1 of 1

Please complete this form.

You can either complete this form online, or print off a pdf version and bring it to the Florissant Police Department.  The paper form can be found here: Citizen Survey

* Denotes a required field

In order to better serve our community, the men and women of the Florissant Police Department would appreciate your participation in this survey. The purpose of the survey is to assist us in designing programs that will improve the quality of life for

How safe do you feel living or working in Florissant? (Check answer)*
Which of the following do you perceive as the primary problem to which the Florissant Police Department should dedicate its resources? Rank as 1=highest through 4=lowest
How well do you believe that the Florissant Police Department addresses the primary problem you have identified in Question #2? (Check answer)*
What contact, if any, did you have with officers or employees of the Florissant Police Department within the last year? (Check answer)*
What is your level of satisfaction regarding the overall performance of the Florissant Police Department? (Check answer)*
What overall level of competence have you observed among the officers and staff of the Florissant Police Department? (Check answer)*
How would you rate the attitude and behavior demonstrated by the officers and staff of the Florissant Police Department toward the citizens and business owners of the community? (Check answer)*